星期三, 8月 03, 2005


我把這張設為桌面 每天跟自己大眼瞪小眼
自從skype掛點之後 我就喪失了辦公室求生意志
事情照作 交代的案子默默進行 只是死氣沉沉
而且超級準時下班 誰都不能抵擋我要離開辦公室的決心
資訊室的長官絕對不懂 工作效率跟即時通是沒有關係的
是跟心情有關 被剝奪上班樂趣的人 工作品質能好到哪裡去呢
唉 再這麼下去 我就想離開這裡了 為沒有skype而走是不是有點誇張呢
從最早icq被擋 改用msn 一陣子後msn又被擋 改用yahoo 最後被迫更用 skype
我真是受夠了 你一定要把我逼走嗎
好 我走就是了 離職原因 缺乏工作快樂.....

星期二, 8月 02, 2005


Sometimes, I think about my memory bank.
Something you want to forget, but it still clear live in your mind.
Well, if it happen in the test, would be great.
But the ture is that I alawys forget the word how to spell, the people when they been, the event what happened in an exam.
The answers usually slipped my memory. My memory bank close, maybe.
On the other hand, perhapes my bank is too small to store up many things.
Life is a process about a chain of forgetting and remembering.
So, if one day I forget you, please don't be sad.
Because I may forget myself in the future.