The first day of Split
Saying good-bye to Zadar, we went to another beautiful old town, Split.
Split is the second biggest port of Coratia. People are able to take ships to Italy.
Unfortunately we have no visa otherwise it would be a idea to Italy for shopping,haha.
When we arrived Split, we were very lucky to catch up a beautiful sunset.
Guess what, we stayed in a lovely hostel which is just along the coast.
So, on the first day of Split, we walked on the beach and saw a glamorous sunset!
再次插撥一下 我們在Zadar街上吃冰淇淋時 遇見章魚仔跟suki
她們走過我們面前 我們四目交接 當下就相認了
因為整座城也大概只有我們四個東方人吧 哈哈
這兩位從香港來的可愛獨立女生 隔天就跟我們一起前往Split了
喔 題外話一下
這家hostel是一對帥哥老闆經營 只是脫線了點
因為英文不好 所以寫信都沒回我 打電話也沒人接 我都不知道怎麼去
只好先去找information office 依據他們指示
我們搭了公車 拿著地圖給司機確認 說我們要在某地下車
在車上晃了半小時 在沒站牌的路邊被叫下車 拖著行李奇蹟發現hostel的指標
然而 旅館裡沒人 因為老闆都在海灘曬太陽喝啤酒 沒人管我們啦-_-//
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